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Valrico Rams

Founded in 2004, the Valrico Rams are a youth football and cheerleading organization dedicated to serving the Valrico, Florida community and its surrounding areas.

The programs we offer:

Our organization is entirely volunteer-run and is dedicated to developing the character of our youth student-athletes. We emphasize values such as self-esteem, respect for others, good sportsmanship, and academic accountability. Our goal is to cultivate an environment where participants can experience the spirit of competition, fair play, and teamwork, regardless of ethnicity, color, creed, or ability.

Social Media

Social media apps Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are the primary ways we communicate all of the exciting things we have going on with our families and community.

Follow us, "Like", and subscribe for the latest announcements, photos, highlight videos, and more! #WeAreValrico #RamsNation

Valrico Rams Founder, Ernest Matthews

Ernest Matthews
Our late Founder and first President

Valrico Rams logos throughout the years

Our logos throughout the years

Why Join Rams Nation?

Family Atmosphere

New families and beginners are warmly welcomed! We work to cultivate a love for the sport and building friendships. Also, we have yearly events, such as Family Fun Day and conditioning camps, that are open to the community.

Coaching Staff

Our coaches are educated (decades of combined experience, attend yearly coaching clinics, and some are former athletes themselves), background checked, and certified in CPR. On the field, they also emphasize sound fundamentals, proper technique, personal safety, academic accountability, consistency, and strong work ethic.

Modern Equipment

Safety is always the #1 priority! Our Riddell® helmets are certified to meet NOCSAE® standards. Also, we use high quality shoulder pads, cheerleader tumbling pads, tackle wheels, and other safety equipment.

Championship Mentality

While building a fun and supportive environment, we maintain high expectations for our student-athletes both in the classroom and on the field. They are held accountable for their behavior and academic performance, and we participate in the Pop Warner Little Scholars program. Additionally, our cheerleaders and football teams consistently perform at a high level each season, with a history of competing in and winning championships.

Field Location

Valrico Rams Youth Football and Cheer
707 S Miller Road
Valrico, FL 33594

Stadium Amenities

  • Pay gate fees by cash
  • Paved and grass parking lots
  • 2 natural grass football fields
  • Metal bleachers with partial tree shade
  • Shaded picnic table areas
  • Open grass area
  • Concession Stand serves hot food, cold drinks, snacks, and various candies. Try our famous Buffalo Chicken Cheese Fries!
  • Restrooms
  • Merchandise Shop stocks t-shirts, jerseys, bags, mouthpieces, stickers, Jibbitz/shoe charms, and much more!
  • Nearby basketball court and children's playground

Permitted Items

  • Pop-up/canopy tents
  • Folding chairs
  • Wagons/beach carts


  • Smoking or vaping
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Abusive language or unruly behavior
  • Airhorns, megaphones, or personal speakers
  • Personal business solicitation
  • Standing by the fence or obstructing the view of others

NOTE: Violation of public park rules may result in removal from the venue.

Mailing Address

Valrico Rams Youth Sports, Inc.
P. O. Box 2459
Valrico, FL 33595

Family Fun Day



  • Fall Season
  • Practices: 2 days a week (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
  • Games: Saturdays
  • Uniform provided (jersey and athletic shorts)
  • Team is age-based, determined by player's birth date:




  • Deposit of $125.00
  • All required documentation must be submitted in-person for a participant to be placed on the team roster.


  • Fall Season
  • Practices: 3–5 days a week
  • Games: Saturdays
  • Uniform provided (Home/Away jersey and integrated pants with built-in pads)
  • Helmet rental included
  • Shoulder pad rental included
  • Opportunity to advance to championships, including Regionals and Nationals
  • Teams are age-based, determined by player's birth date, per Pop Warner league rules:
    • 7U (6 & inexperienced 7-year olds): player's birth date between July 31, 2019–August 1, 2017
    • 8U (experienced 7 & 8-year olds): player's birth date between July 31, 2018–July 31, 2016
    • 10U (9 & 10-year olds): player's birth date between July 31, 2017–August 1, 2014
    • 12U (11 & 12-year olds): player's birth date between July 31, 2015–August 1, 2012
    • 14U (13 & 14-year olds): player's birth date between July 31, 2013–August 1, 2010




  • Deposit of $150.00
  • All required documentation must be submitted in-person for a participant to be placed on the team roster.





  • Deposit of $150.00
  • All required documentation must be submitted in-person for a participant to be placed on the team roster.



Enrolling your child for football or cheerleading is a simple 3-part process:

  1. Register online
  2. Print, sign, and turn-in your packet in-person
  3. Submit School Report Card and original Birth Certificate

You can pay your deposit and outstanding balance online or in-person. We accept cash, check, credit card, Apple Pay, Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal. NOTE: During the online registration process, select payment method as "Check" if you plan to pay in-person.

STEP 1: Register Online

Select the register button option for the football team or cheerleading squad your child is eligible for. This will transfer you to our Sports Connect portal to create an account (or log-in if you already have an existing account) to complete your online registration.

Register today, as space is limited! If team roster is full, you can still register to join the waitlist.

Flag Football

5U $125

Tackle Football

7U $325
8U $325
10U $325
12U $325
14U $325


Jr. Tiny Mite $325
Tiny Mite $325
Mitey Mite $325
Pee Wee $325
Varsity $325

STEP 2: Print, sign, and turn-in your packet in-person

  • Download: FOOTBALL PLAYER PACKET (.pdf file)

    Football Player Packet includes:

    • Parent Code of Conduct
    • Informed Consent and Media Release
    • Concussion Information
    • Parent Agreement

  • Download: CHEERLEADER PACKET (.pdf file)

    Cheerleader Packet includes:

    • Parent Code of Conduct
    • Informed Consent and Media Release
    • Concussion Information
    • Sizing Sheet
    • Parent Agreement

STEP 3: Submit School Report Card and original Birth Certificate

  • School Report Card must show all 4 quarters
  • For Homeschoolers, submit a progress report or other grade-related documentation
  • Submitting Original Birth Certificates are required for new participants only and will be returned promptly after league certifies the document


Executive Board

General Board

  • Jeff Reynolds, Asst. Athletic Director
  • Brindi Trevino, Cheer Equipment Director
  • Steven Burnett, Concessions Director
  • Teighlor Burnett, Asst. Concessions Director
  • Kevin Furlan, Field Maintenance Director
  • Brandon Ocasio, Football Equipment Director
  • Amanda Gipson, Fundraising Director
  • Rachel Swearingen, Publicity Director
  • Roberto W. Lo Presti, Asst. Publicity Director/Webmaster
  • Jenny Berrios, Asst. Registration Director
  • Amanda Moore, Scholastic Director
  • Roger Reger, Sponsorship Director

Cheer Head Coaches

  • Jazmin Perez, Jr. Tiny Mites
  • Ashley Davis, Tiny Mites
  • Hannah Gotwalt, Mitey Mites
  • Brindi Trevino, Pee Wee
  • Caitlin Jessie, Varsity

Football Head Coaches

  • Marty Washington, 5U Flag
  • Joseph Corbin, 6U
  • Matt Maton, 8U
  • Jeff Reynolds, 10U
  • Vincent Buggs, 12U
  • Aviyon Lee, 14U



Each year, the most academically accomplished Pop Warner kids compete for Academic All-American status. This process begins at the association level and up through each of the eight Pop Warner regions to the national level.

The PWLS All-American Program requires a minimum 96% GPA to apply for All-American status.

After applications are processed, Pop Warner determines National First Team All-Americans (35 football, 35 cheer per grade), National Second Team All-Americans & National Honorable Mention Scholars.


  • All-American Scholars are scored on a 118 point scale: 100 points (85%) for the student's grades for the prior school year and 18 points (15%) for the attached Addendum sheet of activities and achievements.
  • Once the scores have been calculated, First Team All-Americans are selected. The top 35 football players and 35 cheerleaders per grade (plus ties) are selected as National First Team All-Americans.
  • Second Team All-Americans are then determined by Pop Warner based upon the number of applications that were submitted for that year.
  • Applicants who are not selected as 2nd Team All-Americans are named Honorable Mention Scholars in recognition of qualifying for this prestigious academic achievement.

Pop Warner will announce its annual All-American Scholars via the Pop Warner website and newsletter each spring. Each scholar will receive a congratulatory letter from Pop Warner indicating their scholastic accomplishment, and a certificate of achievement for National All-Americans.

FYD Pop Warner logo


The Valrico Rams are a non-profit youth football and cheerleading organization run entirely by volunteers. Since 2006, we’ve been dedicated to supporting local youth through our programs. Our success relies on the generosity of local businesses, county officials, and community members.

Donated funds go towards field maintenance, uniforms, equipment, concessions, and travel for regional and national events. We need your ongoing support to continue our work and help our athletes succeed. Your contributions make a positive difference in our community.

Interested in supporting our organization?

  1. Contact: Roger Reger, Sponsorship Director
  2. Download, fill-out, and submit: SPONSORSHIP FORM (.pdf file)



$3,000 or more

  • Company name in large font, with logo on the back of all football and/or cheer team shirts.
  • Two permanent 4' x 6' banners displayed at the field.
  • 12 social media shout-outs during the fall season.
  • A banner ad on our website, complete with a link to your website.
  • A Valrico Rams sponsorship plaque to display in your business.
  • Opportunity to market/promote your business at all regular season games.
  • Company name announced at all home games.
  • Free entrance to any home game.
  • Recognition at our year-end awards banquet.



  • A permanent 4' x 6' banner displayed at the field.
  • Eight social media shout-outs during the fall season.
  • A banner ad on our website, complete with a link to your website.
  • A Valrico Rams sponsorship plaque to display in your business.
  • Opportunity to market/promote your business at a pre-approved regular season game and practice.
  • Company name announced at all home games.
  • Free entrance to any home game.
  • Recognition at our year-end awards banquet.



  • A permanent 4' x 6' banner displayed at the field.
  • Four social media shout-outs during the fall season.
  • A banner ad on our website, complete with a link to your website.
  • Company name announced at all home games.
  • Recognition at our year-end awards banquet.



  • A permanent 4' x 6' banner displayed at the field.
  • Two social media shout-outs during the fall season.
  • Company name announced at all home games.
  • Recognition at our year-end awards banquet.


Any $ amount

We appreciate receiving donations of any size. Every dollar counts! We would not be successful without the support of our family, friends, and community partners.


Platinum sponsor Reed & Reed Attorneys at Law

Blue Compass RV

Hungry Howie's Flavored Crust Pizza

Andy's Frozen Custard

Become a Sponsor!

JP Construction Technologies Inc.

Tommy's Express Car Wash

Integrity Home Solutions


JF Kicks Restaurant & Patio Bar

Adrie DeAndrea/Balmaseda & Associates



We have a Merchandise Shop/fundraising table next to our concession stand, open during most practices and all game days. We accept cash, credit card, Apple Pay, Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal.

Our shop has a variety of items for sale, including t-shirts, jerseys, bags, mouthpieces, stickers, Jibbitz/shoe charms, and much more.


Additionally, we have an online spirit store though Pop Warner, where you can purchase a wide variety of football and cheer items, most of which can be personalized. A portion of the profits from these online stores are given back to our organization!

Pop Warner Online Spirit Store: